i have fallen a day behind, but not really, i have my random thoughts all ready, but the layout didn't happen yesterday. yesterday's random thought came from a conversation i had with my amazing scrappy friends at our friday night crop. we were talking about going to synagogue or for me, church. i was quiet. i usually am when the subject of religion comes up. i was mulling over why i go to church. why it's not boring for me, why it's important. i mulled all night and continued in the morning. that's when this thought came to me. i'll be forever grateful to these women who, without knowing it, and very unintentionally, help me discover things about myself that i've always wondered, but never known how to find. so to them, i say thank you.
i go from toenails to faith. see, it's random thoughts. :)
But do you have faith in toenails? :P (Couldn't resist that one!) On a more serious note, I love this layout. That photo is fabulous, and your journaling is terrific. I've been a little worried about that conversation since Friday, but I should know better. :) It's interesting, since I've had the opposite experience. I've never been surrounded by people who believe as I do and I've always had friends from many different faiths (including some I'd never heard of before meeting said friends!). In fact, I should scrapbook that! Thanks for the inspiration!
Wow, that's a great LO.
I confess that I tend to think blind faith's a dangerous thing, so I love that you're examining yours differently.
I wanna know who else was talking about going to synagogue, though, since I wasn't there!
So excited to have found you and your random thoughts.
Although toenails and faith-- I'm not sure you can put those pages side by side :)
OK, that's the last get-together I miss...too much important stuff goes on! Maybe I can host you all here soon...but you'll be in charge of the debate topic! :P
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