Saturday, June 14, 2008


it may be that i'm super sensitive to this particular release of papers because i design for this particular company, but i've noticed a lot of people are very anxious for this new release to hit the stores. after running into bump after bump, i'm happy to say that the two new lines from October Afternoon are finally making their way to the shelves of local and online stores in the U.S. many of the papers from the Detours line can be found in the June Studio Calico kit. i'm pretty sure they're heading internationally too. so dear ladies, soon you'll be able to play with these lovely papers! and i know the chipboard letters and stickers are almost ready to head out. apparently the cutting out of the letters wasn't up to the quality standards set by October Afternoon, so that had to be redone before it could be sold. most dt members don't even have the alphas, and we are a little anxious... :)

the green paper in this layout is called freshly mown lawn and i thought it would be the perfect title for my layout about my son taking over the lawn mowing task in our family. i love how rich and vibrant these colors are, they just make me happy.

and that's the end of the advertisement.


liz mataraza said...

finally! woohoo! even though i already have it :) but it's always nice to look at it in the stores too.

and it's so nice to know that someone from SC had a hand in making such an awesome paper line!!!

the lo is fabulous and screams summer!

Natasja Cats - Verbeek said...

Love your layout!! I already had a change to play with some of it but still can't wait to see the rest of the new stuff!!
Guess my parcel is still on it's way.....trying to be patient her ;)


Unknown said...

Fabulous advertising darling!
LOVE those colors, and having jsut received that SC kit as well, it is just too fun!
Can't wait to see your next ad campaign for the summer release ;)

Mary Kay said...

Utterly gorgeous.

Vivian Masket said...

Oh, this SO cracks me up :D. (And you know why, Ms. Freshly Mown Lawn!) This is seriously amazing. You and I must have been on the same wavelength, since I did an OA layout with cut-out flowers yesterday, too. I'm waiting until tomorrow to post it on my blog and at 2peas. Can't let loose too much OA goodness at once! :) Anxious doesn't begin to describe my feelings about the alphas...sigh...patience is so hard sometimes!

Houston said...

Beautiful Em!

Anonymous said...

for me it's more of an advertisement for "I can't wait until D is old enough to mow the lawn" LOL :) beautiful page, it's really rich.

Heather Harrell Photography said...

This turned out so amazing!! The colors just pop right off of the page!!