when the last notes of that song finished, i had the most powerful understanding of what easter really was. christmas is a wonderful holiday, but it's so commercialized today and honestly, i run around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get everything done. i don't get as many opportunities to enjoy the reason behind the holiday. but easter is about resurrection, a new start, a perfect start. we don't make it about the easter bunny in our house. we have a small easter basket of candy, it's the one time a year i allow myself to eat a cadbury creme egg. but really, we try to focus on the gift that Christ gave to us in his crucifixtion and resurrection.

he gave us hope.
and when easter falls on the first weekend of april, we get to ponder on His life and gift all weekend, we have general conference, a time where we listen to the prophet and our church leaders. this particular session, i kept hearing read the scriptures with your children. it's something i have struggled with as our family has gotten older and busier. but i'm taking it a little at a time and so far this week, i've found time to read with both kids. it's been a powerful thing. i know it will continue to be something i struggle with, but the whole message of easter to me is i can change and become better. that's why i'm trying.
we don't do easter bunny at our house either. like you said, christmas has already been overwhelmed by cutsie things, i won't give in to easter too. we always watch 'the tesaments' or something similar as a family to remind us of what easter is about. loved this post! (love you scrapbook stuff too).
We don't do Easter bunny or Santa Clause either, but it's easy to still get so caught up in everything else. Thanks for this post which has inspired me just as much as your scrappy posts do. I really should read the Bible more with my children too. xx
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