Thursday, April 22, 2010

raising the anti-social child

so this morning, ethan and i are discussing the rest of his week. he tells me that tomorrow is the school social. the following quote is not word for word, but his description of the day was so humorous, i had to have him go through it one more time, just to make sure i heard him right. good thing he was busy packing up his bags, and i could have my back to him. i couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

tomorrow is the school social and if they have a dumb movie again, like ice age or something, i'm NOT going to watch it. they have dancing in the gym (tone of voice implied that wasn't an option), snacks in the cafeteria–i'm not going to do that either, they don't have ice cream, just pizza. and i'd probably have to sit by j & r, and i don't like r. then there's a movie in the music room, we'll see. but i'll probably just go to the library and read. when i heard reading was an option, you should have seen my eyebrows go up in surprise. if i go to the library, one of my gal friends or a fellow cello will probably come with me, those girls all like me. remember at the beginning of the year when _______ and i hated each other? well, we're best friends now.

thinking back to my 6th grade year and the school socials we had, i remember standing around in the cafeteria, talking to my friends, hoping, but doubting a boy would ask me to dance. i don't remember thinking out the details like ethan. it made me smile.

funny thing, he's not really anti-social. kids like him, he just doesn't have a lot of tolerance for most of them, most kids his age are on a different social level, he's concerned with history and natural disasters. he can spew off any fact you'd like to know about @WWII. he has an elvis channel, a hans zimmer channel, a beach boys channel, a beatles channel, and a john williams channel on his pandora account. i chuckled at the john williams one, saying most 12 year old boys have no idea who john williams is. his response? "well they listen to star wars, they should know who wrote it!" he'll be a great adult, anti-social, but great nonetheless.

update: in discussing with my mom this week, i was right, we did used to go pick wild asparagus near a friend's house. only we kids had to stay in the car because mom didn't want us to fall into the water. and we only did it for a couple of years because year two, mom met up with a snake and decided it wasn't worth it after that. :)


Mary Kay said...

That kid is one of a kind! FYI, Baxter knows who John Williams is, for the same reason.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Very cool kid. Hope he gets into politics when he's older, we need guys like him!

Kelly Noel said...

what a cool kid he is! and too cute!

kelsey said...

ha ha! Too funny! Bet he keeps you laughing all the time, and without even meaning too;). He's a smart one.

justem said...

did he really say "fellow cello" because that is just too funny!

Stephanie said...

I'm antisocial, too. Sometimes I dislike it, then I realize that's how God made me. You have great kids.

Julie said...

He is wise beyond his years having no tolerance for those kids. He is awesome :)