it's been busy and full, but in a very good way. and i've learned something about myself.
i found a majority of the envelopes were already addressed from last year (SCORE! see how close i was?) and i had most of the stamps from last year too. one might look at this as an epic failure, but i really feel like a success this year. the cards are done. the tree is up, which is a good thing. it's not decorated, but i have this weekend. i spent a morning online ordering gifts for the majority of my extended family. i spent another day entering all the addresses into the computer address book. i love to handwrite the addresses, but maybe next year i'll print them instead. it's ok. i haven't committed to making cookie/candy plates for anyone, but i'm not opposed to the idea, if the time permits. i found the flannel that will turn into pajama bottoms for the family. i bought it more than 5 years ago, didn't get it done, put it in a box, but this year i feel like i can tackle that. i know lots of people get new pajamas every year, but i was up to my neck in pajamas after a few years of that tradition, so i stopped. but ethan's jammies are ripped and about 3 inches too short for him now, and mine need some attention as well, so this is the year. i've attended christmas concerts every night this week except for thursday for the kids. i've watched the first presidency christmas message which helped put things in perspective. i've watched elf. so far it's been a good month. and i've learned the following:
- the christmas letter doesn't need to include what you did in december, it can be written in november or early december. no one really cares if you went to the nutcracker anyway :) (that's why last year's letter didn't get written, i was waiting for all the fun things to be done, then described.)
- i am happier when the christmas letter is mailed before the 10th of december.
- it's OK to pay shipping when you buy things on etsy. i'd much rather give a special gift and pay the extra shipping than buy from a big box and send all the presents in one box (the benefit of having your family live in the same area).
- childhood memories can make for the shopping of gifts really fun. my sisters are going to LOVE their gifts this year. i think i want one too.
- playing winter wonderland--jazzy style--for the 7th grade choir is a good way to catch the spirit of the holiday. you can't play that and NOT feel happy :)
so all in all, things are good and december is going well. i'll stop whining :)
don't forget that today starts the 12 days of holiday giving over at SCT's blog starts today! you will definitely want to check that out! click on the image to head over there.
Emily...hope your holidays are Fabulous!!!
I LOVE your letter! It is the coolest thing I've ever seen! And of course you can make money! You can make those for people for their Christmas letters. Seriously, if I had money this year, I'd hire you to do one for me! :-D How much would you charge, anyway?! ;-)
Success! Success!
i have never wanted to write a xmas letter, but yours gives me inspiration to maybe try it. Just not this year.
What a cool letter, I love it!
Best Christmas letter I've ever gotten!
You are so awesome. I miss you and your family. please tell them Merry Christmas from all of us.
Emily - I'd totally pay you to make one of those cards for me! And we don't even celebrate Christmas! It's really really cool!
Now that school is out, it feels like Christmas and I LOVE this time of year!!! I am glad you are conceding :)
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