the past week i've been overwhelmed. i've been asked to serve at church in a way that i don't feel prepared to do. so i've let my emotions get the better of me and questioned my abilities a lot. and i've whined a lot to anyone who would listen. and i've gotten some really sage advice. God puts us in the place we need to be. He wants us to grow and become more like Him, and so He puts us in places that will make us grow. I need to stop worrying and start praying for peace and help. so i will. i'd started this layout over a month ago. it was for the journaling challenge that never got posted, so we decided to wait until the next time around and use the layouts we'd already done. so this had sat in my unfinished pile, i just needed to finish the last sentence of the journaling, proofread it, and then add the brads, paint the chipboard, and attach everything permanently. rereading through the journaling and thinking on all the conversations i'd had with friends and family over the weekend really made this life lesson sink in. i am blessed. it's ok that i don't feel up to the task, i'll do the best that i can do because God knows i can do it. so i think i can move on now. i'm sure there will be moments, but i think the pity party is over. thanks for listening.
if you're curious, i'm now the 1st counselor in relief society. it's the women's organization in my church and i'm over education. i'm leaving the children's organization where i taught music. it's a big switch.
I must have needed that message today because I teared up. Thanks for shairng. I, too, am blessed!
Fabulous, Em! I needed to hear that message today, too. Love that cool patchwork design!
This is great. And I'm glad you don't feel you are prepared to do the job that way God can use you for His greater purposes. I often find my abilities get in the way of what God truly wants me to do and that depend on Him and His grace and mercy. You'll be great in His glory! Congratuations Em. I miss you. Summer seems far away.
The "fellowship of scrapbookers" was my post. I was logged onto the wrong blogger.
Thanks for that post Emily, I am truly blessed and I want to remember that everyday like the cashier. God will never give you more that you are capable of doing with Him. I wish you all the best in your new role.
pretty soon you'll be president of the WORLD!
You will rock it, girlfriend.
Wow Emily. This was just beautiful. Congrats to you on a new position. You know, you may feel inadequate for this role God has given you....but remember many others in the bible felt inadequate as well...and God was still able to use them.
Blessings to you!
Those little lessons can be hidden in the most unexpected places, no?
Love to you!
thanks for sharing that Emily!
You know, I saw your layout at SC and didn't read the journaling...I'm glad you posted it here..such a moving story..thanks for sharing it!
Good luck with this new position, sounds like a good fit.
you WILL rule the world some day! hugs, rachel
Wow, I'm so glad I visited this blog today! What a powerful response that cashier gave you! It has definately made me think. Thanks for sharing that! Also, good luck with your new position. You were right when you said God puts us where we need to be...I don't think I've heard it just like that before. Katie
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