Sunday, March 9, 2008

i finally found it.

i was bra shopping at kohl's yesterday. i'd tried one HUNDREDS and i'm in between sizes. i'll spare you the details...

i was feeling rather deflated (in spirit not size) when i walked past a rack that touted the following:

knowing the advertising market's tendency to over exaggerate, i figured it was just a ploy, but since i was there and hadn't found a bra that even came close, i thought i'd try it out.

kelly and i went grocery shopping last night. i said, "I LOVE MY BRA" so often that he turned it into a song, veggietales fans will be familiar with it--from king george and the ducky...

i hope it's not too good to be true. but at least for now, I LOVE MY BRA! finally. and i didn't have to spend an arm and a leg on it, like my last one from victoria's secret. that's happiness. it's not sexy, but who needs sexy when it fits so dang well?


Mary Kay said...

Congratulations. A good bra is, indeed, a joy.

But I have to ask: If someone had told you ten years ago that you'd be photographing your bra hangers and talking about bra fit for all the world to read, would you have believed them?

Anonymous said...

the post i needed! i have been on the search for the perfect bra too as i think that mine has been discontinued? a good bra is hard to find - cheers to good bras. hugs, rach

Barb said...

Congrats, Emily.
New bra = New woman

Houston said...

Yay Em! I think this is one of those constant struggles that woman have and I so glad to hear you proclaim vistory!

Amanda said...

Hooray for bras that fit!! Good to know that they exist! :) Have a confession...been lurking and reading your blog for the past month or so and keep meaning to comment or email but keep getting distracted. Sorry! By all means, though, link me up...if I can link you up, too! :)

Amanda said...

BTW, totally jealous about your fun adventures at CHA and your Slice stories! :)

ricanlaw said...

Sweetheart finding the right bra that is the right fit is truly, truly a wonderful thing.

Etta said...

You know there's another Veggie song that would fit that phrase--instead of 'I Love My Lips' (Dave and the Giant Pickle), you could sing I love my bra. But then the phrase about "When I was just 2 years old I left my *lips* out in the cold and they turned blue..." might get kind of, um, inappropriate...

Heather Harrell Photography said...

Can I get a "woot, woot"?? A bra that fits is a wondrous thing. :-) I don't know veggietales, but I was PIMP at etta. ;-)

Vivian Masket said...

Wish I'd been shopping next to you at the grocery store! :) Too funny! Congrats on your purchase!

D's Paper Studio said...

You are so funny to find great joy is the small things of life. You're great.

Tut a good bra is something to treasure.

Unknown said...

I'm so jealous about the bra. I can never find one I like. Now I'll be singing the bra song, ala king george and the ducky! ;)

Anonymous said...

ah, good to know. i, too, am throwing the in the towel on the VS bras...the support factor has to come before the cute factor at this point!

Davinie Fiero said...

I'm glad you love your bra, sweets. It's a major part of your day to have your girls in a comfortable chair. lol

I finally got around to my tagging, so check out my blog for my super interesting 7 things!

Aly Dosdall said...

emily,you crack me up! can't say i've ever really felt that way about a bra...may have to make a trip over to kohl's. left you some love on my blog! hop on over if you have a second and take a peek!

Anonymous said...

your last post was "blah blah blah", you should have named this one "bra bra bra"!

and hey, another sign you have the perfect husband: he turns your bra utterances (udderances?) into a song. a good bra is hard to find, but a good husband even more. congrats on both.

we don't watch veggie tales--you'll have to sing a few bars (bras?) for me.